Kia Stinger: Driving your vehicle / Smart cruise control with stop & go system

➀ Cruise indicator
➁ Set speed
➂ Vehicle-to-vehicle distance
The smart cruise control system allows you to program the vehicle to maintain
a constant speed and a predetermined distance to the vehicle ahead without depressing
the accelerator or brake pedal.
WARNING - Smart cruise control system Inadvertent Activation
If the smart cruise control system is left on (CRUISE indicator in the instrument
cluster illuminated), it can be activated inadvertently. Keep the smart cruise control
system off (CRUISE indicator off) when the smart cruise control system is not in
use to avoid setting a speed which the driver is not aware of.
WARNING - Smart cruise control system Limitations
- The smart cruise control system is a supplemental system and is not a
substitute for safe driving practices. It is the responsibility of the driver
to always check the speed and distance to the vehicle ahead.
- Use the smart cruise control system only when traveling on open highways
in good weather.
- Do not use the smart cruise control when it may not be safe to keep the
car at a constant speed. For instance.
- Highway interchange and tollgate
- Road surrounded by multiple steel constructions (subway construction, steel
tunnel, etc)
- Parking lot
- Lanes beside guard rail on a road
- Slippery road with rain, ice, or snow
- Abrupt curved road
- Steep hills
- Windy roads
- Off roads
- Roads under construction
- Rumble strip
- When driving near crash barriers
- When driving on a sharp curve
- When the vehicle sensing ability decreases due to vehicle modification resulting
level difference of the vehicle's front and rear
- When driving in heavy traffic or when traffic conditions make it difficult
to drive at a constant speed
- Limited visibility (rain, snow, smog, etc.)
- The smart cruise control system cannot recognize a stopped vehicle, pedestrians
or an oncoming vehicle. Always look ahead cautiously to prevent unexpected and
sudden situations from occurring.
- Pay particular attention to the driving conditions whenever using the
smart cruise control system.
- Be careful when driving downhill using the SCC.
- Cruise function should not be used when the vehicle is being towed to
prevent any damage.
- Always set the vehicle speed under the speed limit.
- Always pay continuous attention to road and driving even when the smart
cruise control system is being operated.
Smart cruise control switch
O : Cancels cruise control operation.
: Turns cruise control system on
or off.
RES + : Resumes or increases cruise control speed.
SET - : Sets or decreases cruise control speed.
: Sets vehicle-to-vehicle distance
Press the CRUISE button (the CRUISE indicator light in the instrument cluster
will go off).
Turn the ignition off.
Both of these actions will cancel the cruise control operation. If you w ...
To set Smart Cruise Control Speed
1. Press the CRUISE button, to turn the system on. The CRUISE indicator in the
instrument cluster will illuminate.
2. Accelerate to the desired speed.
30 km ...
Other information:
Components and components location
1. Water pump pulley
2. Water pump sub assembly
3. Water pump gasket
4. Water pump housing
5. Water pump housing gasket
6. Water inlet pipe gasket
7. Heater & bypass pipe
Repa ...
Repair procedures
Check the brake fluid level in the brake fluid reservoir. The level should be
between “MIN” and “MAX” marks on the side of the reservoir.
Use only hydraulic brake fluid conforming to DOT 3 or DOT 4 specification.
Check the brake system fo ...