Kia Stinger: Driving your vehicle / Smart cruise control with stop & go system

Kia Stinger CK 2018-2025 Owners Manual / Driving your vehicle / Smart cruise control with stop & go system

➀ Cruise indicator
➁ Set speed
➂ Vehicle-to-vehicle distance

The smart cruise control system allows you to program the vehicle to maintain a constant speed and a predetermined distance to the vehicle ahead without depressing the accelerator or brake pedal.

WARNING - Smart cruise control system Inadvertent Activation

If the smart cruise control system is left on (CRUISE indicator in the instrument cluster illuminated), it can be activated inadvertently. Keep the smart cruise control system off (CRUISE indicator off) when the smart cruise control system is not in use to avoid setting a speed which the driver is not aware of.

WARNING - Smart cruise control system Limitations

Smart cruise control switch

O : Cancels cruise control operation.

: Turns cruise control system on or off.

RES + : Resumes or increases cruise control speed.

SET - : Sets or decreases cruise control speed.

: Sets vehicle-to-vehicle distance

To turn cruise control off, do one of the following
Press the CRUISE button (the CRUISE indicator light in the instrument cluster will go off). Turn the ignition off. Both of these actions will cancel the cruise control operation. If you w ...

Speed setting (Smart cruise control system)
To set Smart Cruise Control Speed 1. Press the CRUISE button, to turn the system on. The CRUISE indicator in the instrument cluster will illuminate. 2. Accelerate to the desired speed. 30 km ...

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